Finding Your Own Dream: A Successor’s Journey to Authenticity 

Finding Your Own Dream: A Successor's Journey to Authenticity

As a potential successor, one of the most challenging questions we face is: “Is this truly my dream, or am I just following someone else’s path?” As the daughter of a successful business owner and now a potential successor at The Transition Strategists, one of North America’s leading business succession consulting firms, I’ve wrestled with this question from multiple angles. Today, I want to share my journey of discovering authentic purpose in business succession, hoping it might help others facing similar questions. 

The Successor’s Transition Journey

The Successor’s Transition Journey

Transitioning ownership of a business is a journey, most obviously for the person transitioning out of ownership (the transitioner). Less appreciated, perhaps, are the challenges a successor encounters on the journey to business ownership. Read about the successor’s transition journey. We’ve written frequently about some of the transitioner’s challenges (e.g., preserving relationships, cutting the ties […]